Instatpot Beef Chuck Flat Iron Steak

braised chuck roast

While I appreciate a fancy steak as much as the next person, if given the choice I will pick a simple chuck roast any day, especially since I discovered how incredibly flavorful and tender the humble cut can be when braised with flavorful herbs. This economical cut benefits from the "low and slow" cooking method, but I have a busy life that doesn't always allow me to start preparing dinner five or more hours in advance. So once again, I turned by my favorite new kitchen gadget to develop a recipe that gave the result but in a fraction of the time… the Instant Pot!

What is a "chuck roast"?

The "chuck" comes from the lower neck and upper shoulder of the cow. Chuck roasts come from this area as well as other flavorful cuts like flat iron steak, all of which have a robust and beefy flavor that benefit from a moist cooking technique. The chuck roast is a large, flat-shaped piece that is typically cut 2 to 2 1/2 -inch thick. The roasts we get from our grassfed cow share include the bones, but you are more likely to find it boneless in the grocery store or butcher's shop. Bones typically ad extra flavor, but boneless will work better if you are using a pressure cooker technique such as in this recipe.

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What is an Instant Pot?

The Instant Pot is an electric multi-function cooker that is a pressure cooker and can also function as a slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, warmer, and even a yogurt maker, depending on the model you have. I got mine a little over a year ago and use it at least a couple times a week. If you are reading this, chances are pretty good that you already have an Instant Pot so I won't go on gushing because you probably already love it as much as I do! If you are on the fence about getting one, go check out the different models available on Amazon and read some of the reviews.

This is the model I have…

And if you already have an Instant Pot and haven't yet figured out how to fully maximize its capabilities, you will appreciate this tutorial and recipe roundup from my friends Matt and Stacy over at their blog, Paleo Parents. I've had mine for a year and a half now and sure wish I'd had an easy resource like that to get me started back then!

Notes on ingredients and healing diets

If you are following the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP), be aware that you can use alcohol in cooked dishes. However, if you prefer not to, a hearty broth will also create a tasty roast. The most nutrient dense choice would be homemade bone broth, but an organic packaged broth like Pacific Natural Foods Organic Bone Broth Chicken will also work. Whatever you use, just make sure you check the ingredient list and make sure that it doesn't contain any additives that will derail your healing.

If you are following a low-FODMAP diet you will need to omit the onion and garlic. To get a similar flavor, you can use the green part of a scallion and substitute an oil which is infused with garlic.

If you are following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), you just need to make sure that you are using a very dry wine. No other modifications are necessary.

Braised Beef Chuck Roast Recipe


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This delicious recipe uses a pressure cooker to make a flavorful and fall apart tender chuck roast that is compliant with the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP).

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 medium red onion, halved and sliced into 1/2 moon shapes
  • 1 2-3 pound boneless beef chuck roast
  • 1 cup red wine OR broth
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  1. Press "saute" button on Instant Pot and add oil.
  2. When display shows "HOT," add onions and cook until softened and just barely browning on edges (about 5 minutes).
  3. Push onions to the side and the chuck roast to the pot to brown. Allow it to cook without disturbing for about 4 minutes, then flip and brown on the other side for another 4 minutes.
  4. Pour in wine or broth and add rosemary sprigs.
  5. Sprinkle garlic and salt evenly over the top of the roast.
  6. Lock lid in place and make sure the steam valve is pointing to "seal."
  7. Press cancel to stop the saute function and then press the "manual" button. Press the plus button until the display reads 60.
  8. The display will switch to say "On" until it has come to pressure and will then begin counting down 60 minutes. When the 60 minutes are complete, press cancel so that the pot does not go into "keep warm" mode.
  9. Allow the pressure to naturally release for 15-20 minutes, then move the steam valve to "vent" to release any remaining pressure so you can open the lid.
  10. Remove the meat, onions, and herbs with a slotted spoon. Discard the rosemary stems.
  11. Press the "saute" button and allow the sauce remaining in the pot to come to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes while the meat is resting, until it has reduce to about half.
  12. Cut the meat into chunks and serve with the sauce.
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 2 hours
  • Category: Entree

Like this recipe? Get 140 more like it in The Paleo AIP InstantPot Cookbook! Click here to learn more.


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Shared on Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable


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